Referral Routes


Refer yourself directly by confidentially telephoning me on 07738 197739 or click here to email me.

Through your health insurance company

I am also a registered and approved counsellor with BUPA and regularly work with clients who claim session fees through Benenden Hospital. I have also worked with Simply Health Insurance Company. Please contact your insurance company for pre-authorisation for sessions before you book.

Other organisations I take referrals from are:

  • Addiction Helper
  • Everwell Occupational Health

Through your employer

Your employer may cover the cost of your counselling sessions for you. Ask them to contact me directly for further information.

I have contracts with the following Employee Assistance Programmes:

  • Ceridian Lifeworks (Lifematters)
  • Right Corecare/Workplace Wellness (Part of the Right Management Group)
  • Workplace Options
  • CiC

Commercial clients

I am also happy to offer individual counselling to people as a ‘spot purchase’. Having worked previously in the legal and media sectors, I have an excellent understanding of working within a corporate environment.

If you are an employer who wants to maintain or improve the well-being of your staff by offering counselling but you do not require the full services of an employee assistance programme, then ‘spot purchase’ counselling could be suitable. Please contact me to discuss how we can work together.

Employer Confidentiality

Issues of confidentiality will be clarified before counselling commences. Usually people funded by their employer will retain full confidentiality i.e. the employer will not have any access to the content of the counselling although they are funding it.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out any more information or want to book an initial consultation, please get in touch.

You can call me in confidence on 07738 197739 or click here to email me for a no obligation, confidential and free initial discussion.

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